Pike — may refer to:Fish*Pike (fish) or Esox *Blue pike or blue walleye, an extinct freshwater fish *Mackerel pike or Pacific saury, a fish popular in east Asian cuisine *Northern pike, known as the pike in BritainPlacesIn Britain: *Clougha Pike, a hill … Wikipedia
Pike — bezeichnet: eine Stangenwaffe von Fußsoldaten, siehe Spieß eine gemeine Figur in der Heraldik, siehe Stangenwaffe (Heraldik) Pike (Programmiersprache), eine Programmiersprache Pike (Verschlüsselung), einen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus mehrere… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pike — Pike, n. [F. pique; perhaps of Celtic origin; cf. W. pig a prick, a point, beak, Arm. pik pick. But cf. also L. picus woodpecker (see {Pie} magpie), and E. spike. Cf. {Pick}, n. & v., {Peak}, {Pique}.] 1. (Mil.) A foot soldier s weapon,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
PIKE — это поточный шифр, предложенный Россом Андерсоном на смену взломанного им шифра FISH( FIbonacci SHrinking ) в 1994 году. Содержание 1 История 2 Описание 3 Сравнение скорост … Википедия
pike — Ⅰ. pike [1] ► NOUN (pl. same) ▪ a long bodied predatory freshwater fish with long teeth. ORIGIN from PIKE(Cf. ↑pike) (because of the fish s pointed jaw). Ⅱ. pike [2] ► NOUN historical ▪ … English terms dictionary
pike — pike1 [pīk] n. a highway: now chiefly in the informal phrase come down the pike, to happen or appear pike2 [pīk] n. [Fr pique < piquer, to pierce, prick < VL * piccare: see PICADOR] a weapon, formerly used by foot soldiers, consisting of a… … English World dictionary
pike — [paık] n [Sense: 1; Date: 1300 1400; Origin: pike sharp pointed object (11 20 centuries), from Old English pic] [Sense: 2; Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: pique] [Sense: 3 4; Date: 1800 1900; Origin: turnpike] 1.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
pike — pike; ram·pike; pike·let; pike·man; … English syllables
Pike — • Pike von der Pike auf dienen »sich in seinem Beruf von der untersten Stufe emporarbeiten«: »Pike« bedeutet »‹Landsknechts›spieß, Lanze«, die vorliegende Wendung ist also ursprünglich auf das Kriegswesen zu beziehen in der Bedeutung »als… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
pike — [ paık ] noun count 1. ) a fish that lives in rivers and lakes and eats other fish 2. ) a weapon used in the past, consisting of a long pole with a blade at one end come down the pike AMERICAN to happen or start to happen: This is the lightest,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English